Balance Method acupuncture with Dr. Richard Tan. This style of acupuncture consists of needling areas distant from the injured or painful area, leaving the sensitive regions needle-free and providing immediate relief of ailments.
Advanced pulse diagnostics (Contemporary Chinese Pulse Diagnosis and Classical Chinese Pulse Diagnosis) with Ross Rosen. These methods of diagnostics are sophisticated systems which rely on subtleties of the sensations, qualities and structure of the radial artery at both wrists, in order to detect and then treat imbalances.
Advanced classical Chinese herbal system of the Shanghan Lun under Arnaud Versluys, founder and director of the Institute of Classics in East Asian Medicine, and renowned author and practitioner Dr. Huang Huang. Shanghan Lun is amongst the oldest complete clinical textbooks in the world.
Master Tung acupuncture and bloodletting with Susan Johnson, Henry McCann, and Brad Whisnant. Tung acupuncture is a lineage based style of acupuncture that had been handed down and refined over generations, but was introduced to the US in the late 70’s by students of the late Master Tung. This style of acupuncture can often create quick and instant relief of ailments.
Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy with Sharon Sauer and Mary Biancalana, directors of the MYO Pain Relief Center and instructors of the MYO Seminar Series. Myofascial trigger points produce referred pain patterns which are characteristic of the individual muscles involved, causing various types of physical dysfunction and acute or chronic pain patterns. Cindy incorporates her knowledge of Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy into her acupuncture treatments in order to produce more effective pain relief.