Will acupuncture hurt?
You may feel a sensation with acupuncture, but it shouldn’t feel painful. If your nervous system is in a more stimulated state (IE due to lack of sleep or during PMS), you may feel a stronger sensation, but it will be short lived. Typical sensations after the insertion of needles or within the duration of needle retention include heaviness, tingling or a traveling sensation along the acupuncture pathway. Post treatment, you may feel more energy and/or relaxation.
How many treatments will I need?
Duration of care varies from patient to patient. In most cases, acute conditions respond quickly to acupuncture and may only need 1-3 visits. For chronic conditions, a longer course of treatments is usually necessary and may take 3-12 months, depending on the severity. After 1-3 visits, we should have an approximate prognosis based on how the patient responds to treatment.
Are acupuncture needles reused?
We only use sterile, single-use acupuncture needles. All needles are disposed of in a biohazard waste container after use.
What should I expect during and after a treatment?
Initially, questions will be asked regarding your symptoms and health background. Depending on your complaints, we may check your pulses and tongue in order to receive more diagnostic information. During the duration of treatment, adjunctive modalities may be utilized (cupping, moxibustion, guasha), followed by acupuncture. A customized Chinese herbal formula may also be suggested based on the condition(s) being treated. Your visit can range anywhere from 45-90 minutes.
Can I use my Health Savings and Flex Spending Accounts (HSAs and FSAs)?
Yes, in most cases we can accept HSAs or FSAs.
Do we accept health insurance?
Currently, we do not accept health insurance directly. If your health insurance policy includes acupuncture coverage, we will provide you with an industry-standard super bill that you may submit to your insurance company in order to receive reimbursement based on the benefits within your policy.