Life in Hinsdale IL includes many of the signs of our times: We can do more faster, travel farther quicker, squeeze more into our schedules, communicate instantly, and gain access to just about anything we need via the web. We’re certainly industrious, but as we know, that pace of living often carries a price tag – and it’s usually our mental and physical health.
Since we lack the time to slow down, we might not even recognize our health has declined until we can no longer ignore it. When we start to feel ourselves breaking down and burning out, we long for a remedy that restores a sense of stability: to be at peace and not in pain.
There is wonderful news: We have ways to find relief without resorting to invasive surgeries or endless medication. An ancient holistic healing method known as acupuncture may be the answer for many of us who seek to resolve countless effects of the modern world on our body and our mind.
As a licensed acupuncturist, Cindy Kudelka supports Hinsdale residents with individualized acupuncture that provides relief and comfort.
Hinsdale IL: Acupuncture Explained
Acupuncture began in China more than 3,000 years ago. It was developed on the concept that our energetic flow (referred to as Qi), when unobstructed, creates balance within the body.
Moving in circadian rhythms through the meridian pathways, Qi encourages blood and fluid flow and stabilizes the nervous system. However, when we undergo injury, stress, or disease, these natural patterns are disrupted, prompting various ailments.
In an effort to restore balance, acupuncture utilizes very thin single-use, disposable needles for skin insertion at various points throughout the body. This increases blood and lymphatic flow; stimulates one’s nerves, muscles, and connective tissue; and activates the body’s innate ability to heal itself.
When certain concentrated areas along the acupuncture meridians’ paths are needled, obstructions within the body can be cleared, thus providing relief from an affliction. These concentrated areas are referred to as acupuncture points. When combined, these points have the ability to activate our body’s self-healing ability.
Acupuncture can be applied as a preventive or restorative treatment for an array of conditions, such as:
neurological – fibromyalgia, nerve damage, tremors, headaches
respiratory – asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, pneumonia
psychological – anxiety, depression, stress, insomnia
immune system – Candida, lupus, allergies, MS
circulatory – high blood pressure, anemia, arrhythmia, palpitations
gynecological – PMS/PMDD, heavy menstruation, menopause, endometriosis
Cindy’s Hinsdale patients also seek her acupuncture treatments for conditions such as diabetes, weight control, chronic infections, and addiction and withdrawal symptoms.
Hinsdale IL: Personal Acupuncture Plan
Acupuncture treatments with Cindy Kudelka are about you and your presentation.
The approach to your personal plan starts with a 90-minute in-person visit with Cindy to review your medical history and the background of any current ailments.
Once your medical intake is reviewed, you will receive your first acupuncture treatment. Depending on your plan, other treatment modalities may include cupping, gua sha, moxibustion, or a customized Chinese herbal formula.
Follow-up appointments will last about one hour each and your treatment frequency will vary, depending on the onset of any ailments. In many cases, acute conditions are highly responsive to acupuncture and can sometimes be resolved in approximately three visits.
For chronic conditions, a more-consistent treatment schedule will usually be needed, and a prognosis is often possible after only a couple of visits.
You should also know that acupuncture doesn’t hurt! You’ll feel a sensation, but it shouldn’t be uncomfortable. Many patients describe a tingling sensation along the acupuncture pathway and, after the treatment, a renewed sense of energy and relaxation.
Why Cindy K. for Hinsdale IL Acupuncture?
Influenced by her own life experiences, Cindy was determined to become an acupuncturist. At a young age, she struggled with health issues, but she unlocked profound self-healing through spiritual practices, diet, acupuncture, nutritional supplementation, and herbal medicine. Her personal journey to self-healing inspired her to help others heal in similar ways.
In pursuing professional skills to heal, Cindy earned a Master of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine-Chicago in 2010. Her five-year master’s program included over 3,000 hours of study and more than 1,000 hours of clinical internship.
She is also board-certified in Chinese herbology and acupuncture by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine.
Her skill range further includes specialty training:
- balanced-method acupuncture
- Chinese herbal system of the Shang Han Lun
- bloodletting
- advance-pulse diagnostics
- Master Tung acupuncture
- myofascial trigger-point therapy
Hinsdale IL Acupuncture: Your Personal Path to Healing Starts Here
More-balanced mental and physical health is possible with Cindy Kudelka acupuncture treatments. To further discuss personalized acupuncture for Hinsdale IL, contact Cindy today:
(847) 579-9882
[email protected].
Online scheduling:
You may use a Health Savings Plan or Flex Spending Account for your acupuncture treatments.